Holistic Data Insights with Timeline

Careflow Timeline is an easy-to-use data visualization tool designed for clinicians to analyze longitudinal patient medical information. Co-designed with clinicians, Timeline aggregates and normalizes patient data, enabling users to efficiently access and examine health information across various healthcare settings.

Careflow Timeline can be used as a stand-alone app or launched as an embedded app, such as from within an Electronic Health Record system.

Timeline Aggregate Data

Longitudinal Patient Timeline

Careflow Timeline aggregates patient data from multiple data sources and organizes the information into a longitudinal timeline to make it easier for clinicians to analyze the data. Data is automatically grouped into categories such as procedures, medications, vitals, symptoms and observations, and labs.

Intuitive Data Visualization

Timeline provides clinicians with overviews of the patient’s entire health journey or detailed views of the medical events at the 12-hour, 24-hour, 3-day, 7-day, 1-month, 6-month, or 1-year levels. By presenting comprehensive patient data in user-friendly formats, Timeline optimizes clinicians’ workflow, enabling swift and informed analysis of complex patient health information.

Timeline also allows clinicians to easily filter or sort patient data more pertinent to their medical specialties and highlight specific health information that is critical to the patient’s care.

Explainable AI

Explainability for AI-Driven Healthcare

Explainable AI refers to the methods that enable humans to understand and trust the results of AI algorithms.


Timeline supports improved explainability for AI-driven healthcare by visually connecting medical events on the timeline with inputs or variables used by AI algorithms. For example, it can link a risk score calculated by an AI model to the specific factors considered by the model in its calculation. This visual representation helps clinicians understand how AI-derived insights are generated, increasing trust and enabling them to make more informed decisions. 

Benefits of Careflow Timeline

Patient Data

Organize Timeline Data

Swiftly access comprehensive patient data normalized into a simple-to-use patient timeline.

Inclusion and Exclusion Controls

Efficiently Analyze Data

Easily navigate a data visualization tool aligned with how clinicians work to save clinician time.


Improve Data Explainability

Ensure trust in AI-driven healthcare with explainable data and AI models.

Empowering clinicians.
Enhancing patient care.